(By Delegates Andes, Ireland, Border, Anderson,

Armstead, Walters, Romine, Duke, Carmichael, Evans,
Cowles, Craig, Schadler, Ashley, Beach, Crosier,
Michael, Overington, Blair, Shott and J. Miller)
Expressing the will of the House of Delegates requesting that West Virginia's Congressional delegation oppose legislation that disenfranchises workers by removing their right to a private ballot union election.

Whereas, The right to a private secret ballot when voting on external representation is fundamentally inherent in our representative Republic and shall not be infringed upon; and
Whereas, Passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) will replace a federally supervised private ballot election with a system that facilitates coercion and intimidation, known as "card check," whereby employees publically sign cards to vote for unionization; and
Whereas, Seventy-nine percent of the American people support a worker's right to a federally supervised secret ballot election when deciding whether or not to join a union; and
Whereas, The tripartisan agreement to oppose the EFCA is overwhelming: seventy-seven percent of Republicans, eighty-two percent of Democrats and seventy-nine percent of Independents believe in protecting private ballots; and
Whereas, The Chairman of the U. S. House of Representatives Education and Labor Committee, Representative Miller (D-CA), and staunch supporter of the American "card check" bill, sent a letter to Mexican government officials that stated: "We feel that the private ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they may otherwise not choose; and
Whereas, The EFCA's mandatory binding arbitration provisions deny workers the right to participate in the collective bargaining process between employees and the union; therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Delegates:
That the West Virginia House of Delegates finds that the so- called "card check" legislation such as the Employee Free Choice Act is detrimental to the rights of workers and is offensive to democratic principles, we urge all five members of the West Virginia Congressional delegation support worker freedom by opposing the EFCA, any of its components or similar bills in 2009 and future years; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward a certified copy of this resolution to United States Senators Robert C. Byrd and John D. Rockefeller IV, Representatives Nick J. Rahall, Alan B. Mollohan and Shelley M. Capito.